I am so excited I have a Monday off to do whatever I want and not feel quilty... I slept till 11:00 this morning. Oh goodness I must have been tired.... Late lastnight I relized I promised my friend Martina I would make her a baby quilt for her new baby Reagan. The problem is she doesnt want the same ole same. She wants something retro and fun just like she is....I decided to look at my material stash and started pulling out fun material. The I started cutting. The only problem is now that I have my top almost done (I am deciding if I want to put a small boarder on it) I need to find some fun material for the back. Decisions... decisions ... Here's my thinking..... Do I really want to go to a material shop today? I know I will be in there forever and a day and buy more material to place in my stash.. Yes, I do, No I dont.... HA. I think I will stay out of there for today.... At this rate Reagan may be a teenager before I get this thing finished....
It's funny , no matter what kind of craft we do its bascially the same. Weather its, card making, scrapbooking, quilting, ect.. we have to put on our thinking cap and think out of our box. I also think very few crafters love their personal work. We all find flaws in our own work. Why is it that we can never seem to be satisfied?! Anyway that is my thinking for today.....lol...
Hope you all have a blassed day...
Hugs, "T"